和歌山県に店舗を構える昭和8年創業の老舗和菓子屋さんからのご依頼。製菓の新商品発売に伴い、箱のパッケージデザインを担当いたしました。商品は、熊野三山へと通じる参詣道の総称 “熊野古道” を照らす満月を模したまんじゅうで、「伝統的かつ風情を感じるデザインに」とのオーダー。大きな満月を紙面いっぱいに敷き、平安衣装に身を包んだ女性を取り入れて「らしさ」を演出しました。
Request from a long-established Japanese confectionery store founded in 1958, which has a store in Wakayama Prefecture. With the launch of a new confectionery product, I was in charge of box packaging design. The product is a manju that imitates the full moon illuminating the generic name “Kumano Kodo” that leads to the three mountains of Kumano. A large full moon was laid out on paper, and a woman dressed in a Heian costume was introduced to create a “likeness”.